About surgeon career

Surgeons are medically trained to operate on patients and treat their injuries. There are two types of surgeons which are: General Surgeon and Oral Surgeon. Surgeons mainly treat diseases or deformaties through operations. There are many surgeons that perfer to do general operations but, there are some that choose to study a specific type of are in order to only operate in that area.

Surgeons, like some physicians, also have to work in other areas in order to understand their work better. Some work in areas such as: Allergists (specialists in diagnosing and treating hay fever or other allergies) Cardiologists (heart specialists) Dermatologists (skin specialists) Gastroenterologists (digestive system specialists) Ophthalmologists (eye specialists) Pathologists (specialists who study body tissue to see if it is normal or abnormal) Radiologists (specialists who review and interpret x rays and other images and deliver radiation treatments for cancer and other illnesses). These surh=geons usually have to understand this in order to be able to know how to deal with the operation or condition.